Handcrafting reclaimed barnwood furniture is a painstaking process. The minute details are what give the rustic Amish furniture its undeniable edge. They are lovely precisely because they take time, but that doesn’t mean we need to talk slowly when we tell you about them. Enter the Old Barn Star Twitter feed.
Just as Old Barn Star is appropriating a time-honored tradition and bringing into the modern fold, so does our Twitter page talk about time-tested processes in 140-character or less bursts. Old Barn Star’s Twitter feed will keep you up to date on what we’re doing, spotlight our reclaimed barnwood furniture and give you insight into the Amish culture.
Our feed can become your new Old Barn Star hub, the place where you can keep your finger on the pulse of reclaimed wood furniture as it makes its nexus into the modern conversation. Stay tuned!
What would you like to see on Old Barn Star’s Twitter feed? Tell us about it on Facebook or right on our Twitter page.
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